Me in action in the McKenzie River. My first fly fishing experience.
Kari in action and Kari showing off her flies.
Don't let the following smiles fool you, I am quite sure Sara is done with fishing. Not only have we not had a single bite, and the beauty of the river can only hold her attention for a few minutes before she needs a project, she over estimated her ability to balance on the round algae covered river rock and took a digger in the chilly water. As you can see in exhibit one, she was soaked to her waist. Exhibit two she displays an entirely new ensemble of forgotten clothing abandoned long ago that she dug out of the trunk of my car.
My friend, Odie has been putting some final touches on a kayak she has been building in her garage. Here is the virgin run.
After it was determined that the Kayak performed as well as it looked Kari, AJ and Jessica all got their turn.
And finally, just in case I haven't seen you in person in the last few weeks, a new Do! I love it! Granted it did require a shopping spree of new, big, hoop earrings, some eyebrow maintenance and wait for it...yes, a lesson in mascara, both product and application. Clearly I haven't tried it out in public yet, but that is in the works.