Tuesday, September 14, 2010

35 Years of Utah Women's Basketball

A fabulous weekend in Salt Lake City. The University of Utah Athletic Department threw together a reunion for all of the women who have ever played hoops at the U. That is 35 years of women's basketball. It was fantastic. Friday night we had a big dinner. Saturday there was an alumni game, a tailgate party and tickets to the football game. I started laughing when I got off the airplane on Friday morning and was still smiling when I headed home Sunday night. Ya, you can say it my face hurt...:-)

The Dinner Party!

Alumni Game
Fascinating that everyone still pulled out the same moves. Impressive! OK, they may have been a step or two slower and asked for subs sooner, but really, they were the same moves!

36 Years of Head Coaches at the University of Utah
Fern, 8 years. Elaine 31 years. Anthony, year 1.

Tailgate Party
So fun to hang out with gals I haven't seen for 15 years. It was like we never left off.