Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lots to Catch Up On...

This is a very busy week or two in photos. So let's get right to it...
The siding on the guest house is done. No more larger than life beer cooler in the front lawn.

John and Sherry were finally ready to have some real counter tops in their house. Bye Bye plywood and hello georgous black concrete in the kitchen, the island, and the bathroom. John built the forms and we all helped fill and smooth. Sherry was in charge of the custom vibrator (if you have ever done concrete before you know that you have to get all of the air out).

Sara and I spent last weekend at Big Blue, our floating paradise in Portland. The girls and I mostly vaccuumed, sat on the stairs, and snuggled on the lazy boy eating bon bons and watched Sara get stuff done. The garbage dispsosal crapped out on me a few weeks back. Luckily I know a very handy person. Notice the new garbage disposal and the newly installed, steal of a deal, stove that Sara found on Craigs List. We didn't get a photo of the new bathroom faucet but it too is georgous! She was very busy!

While in Portland we got to spend a day with Adam and Susie. We helped do some electrical and made delicious soup.

This weekend was momentus for me as I FINALLY finished a four year quilting project.
It was also time to get the decorations out (something I look forward to and Sara dreads). We had to compromise on the Christmas tree this year. Sara was going to cut one down for me. After scouting the property inch by inch she couldn't find one that she had the heart to cut down. So, off to the lot we went with our five dollar bill. We ended up with this beauty!