Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in California

I guess it is time to finally accept that the Christmas season is over. I just need to post the photos and start the new year. We were really bad a taking pics the last few weeks but luckily mom was on top of it when I was in California. So, the following is my trip home, brought to you by mom's camera! :-)

We had Christmas Eve dinner at Meg's house this year. It was wonderful.

A 17.5 year high school reunion at Starbucks!

Good times with the fam...PF Changs and shopping.

We celebrated mom's birthday at the ceramic painting shoppe. Each of us painted a cupcake plate for mom and she painted a cupcake jar. There were, of course, cupcakes, Special K bars, and mimosas. Loads of fun!!

We baked Christmas cookies and got silly with Mama Mia dancing and a Barry Manilow sing along.

We partook in the Palkie tradition of Palkieville house painting and a Christmas facial.

The dogs both enjoyed their Christmas presents and were knocked out cold with exhaustion!