Sara is home in Iowa for the week visiting her family for their pre-holiday tradition. I thought I would put together a blog of WWMD, that's "What Would Mia Do" just in case you have never been to the Midwest or South.
Well here it goes:
First things first! I put the finishing touches on Palkieville. Since this is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season, I needed to get that done first.

It snowed Friday night so the girls had some fun playing in it. Mostly, they just wanted to eat it and tackle each other in it. After about 10 minutes they were freezing and trembling and crashed hard in front of the fire in a snuggle.

Sara ordered a half of a side of beef with Darryl and it needed to be picked up. Luckily it fit in my trunk. Who knew that a side of beef was just that...1/2 of a cow!
So, naturally, I made a beef vegetable soup...holy delicious!!

I chatted on the phone with my mom while making great progress with my knitting project. It's actually starting to look like a hat!

Sunday morning was spent prepping for a review that I have on Wednesday. The forecast is calling for a great deal of snow with possible power outages. Since my computer has about 18 minutes of battery power I thought I better get that done while I still had the chance. Of course I spent some time chatting on Facebook as well.

I finished grandma's Christmas peaking grandma! :-)

I watched football and ate popcorn!

I folded laundry...
So, after all that, the question is answered...I would do the same things I always do. I did have to learn how to use the timer on the camera! :-)