Tuesday, September 14, 2010

35 Years of Utah Women's Basketball

A fabulous weekend in Salt Lake City. The University of Utah Athletic Department threw together a reunion for all of the women who have ever played hoops at the U. That is 35 years of women's basketball. It was fantastic. Friday night we had a big dinner. Saturday there was an alumni game, a tailgate party and tickets to the football game. I started laughing when I got off the airplane on Friday morning and was still smiling when I headed home Sunday night. Ya, you can say it my face hurt...:-)

The Dinner Party!

Alumni Game
Fascinating that everyone still pulled out the same moves. Impressive! OK, they may have been a step or two slower and asked for subs sooner, but really, they were the same moves!

36 Years of Head Coaches at the University of Utah
Fern, 8 years. Elaine 31 years. Anthony, year 1.

Tailgate Party
So fun to hang out with gals I haven't seen for 15 years. It was like we never left off.


Well, it has been a long summer of surgical recovery. We finally decided to get out of the house and try our hand at a sport that my body would allow me to do, fishing. Sara, John and I had a great spot on the river. All the people floating by on their boats were pulling fish in as fast as they could cast out. We on the other hand had a lovely evening eating a delicious picnic I had packed and practiced casting for a couple hours. I may not have even got a bite, but I will go back. I loved it. Not really even sure what I would have done if I would have actually caught something. But sitting on that rock, listening to the water rush by and enjoying my surroundings has me hooked. Fishing anyone?

Another weekend outing took us up the McKenzie river as well. This time in search of a rock climbing wall. Unfortunately we never did find that wall but Susie, Adam, Kaia, Sara and I had a lovely drive in the woods. Once we figured out where we took a wrong turn we decided it was too late in the day to set up a climbing adventure. Thank goodness we had a rockin' game of Monopoly waiting for us at home.