Sunday, July 5, 2009

Palkie Family Vacation/Staycation

Mom, Dad and Meg came to visit for a pre 4th of July celbration. It was a fun filled weekend of hanging around the house and visiting with friends from the past!

Dad played with the girls and then he slept. Gabby wasn't done playing and politely tried to wake him up.

Mom made us her famous Chicken Salad. We were all allowed one taste before it went into the refridgerator for the next day. We all made the most of our ONE spoonful!

We played LOTS of Wii fit and Wii outdoor adventure. We also did a lot of simultaneous Facebooking.

On Sunday we drove up to Seattle to spend the day with old friends. First we stopped for lunch with the Bath family who we knew in Hawaii (late 70's) and Virginia (84ish). Mom, Dad and Meg had 20 some years to catch up on, and the stories were flowing.

After a lovely, long lunch we headed a couple blocks North to meet up with the Swales family who we knew from our days in England (in the Early 80's). Of course there was more food and festivities.

As per usual, that was a fantastic reunion!

Mom, Dad and I took advantage of some nice weather and had a long walk along the river in Eugene!

We visited the Portland Rose Gardens. Beautiful!

Another Fantastic Visit with the Fam! Wish they would come more often!