Halloween 2008 was a blast. Sara added an H to her name and went as Sarah Conner from Terminator 2. She really played the part with the wicked guns (her bicepts) and the silly string automatic. I was the little known Edith Prickley from SCTV (or Second City Television). After finding ONE person all day who knew who I was, I started telling people that I was the church lady.
We started the evening at John and Sherry's where we met up wtih Page and Tim (dressed as the pimp and an employee). John was the pink cowboy and Sherry the Russian Lady, though we never did here her speak it. I think she just wanted to be warm and drink Vodka.
As usual, the party at Todd's was fabulous. We danced all night with Richard Simmons to early rap songs like, Busta Move and I like Big Butts! All Said, a good time had by all.

Saturday morning we helped Colleen move into her fabulous new house. We were very busy so didn't get a lot of photo opps in but here are a couple shots of Colleen getting smashed in between some matresses and Bill leaping with joy that he had done such a thing.

Sunday we did the usual around the house things. I cleaned and blogged and ate bon bons (well, a lactose free, soy ice cream sandwich) and Sara firred out the guest house so the siding can be started! :-)