Monday, May 17, 2010


Norma, who has kindly been named for her enormous overbearing size and huge personality is another few steps closer to being finished this week. It's actually beginning to look and feel like a livable space.

Sara installed the toilet and sink, which I must say makes working over there much easier. The shower is next. She found the cabinets for the bathroom on Craigslist (of course). Word is that they were actually cabinets removed from Jerry Garcia's wife's house, located only a few acres away, on a few hundred acres just to the west of us.

Sara's dad was visiting this last week and was eager to lend a helping hand with projects. He single handedly installed all of the blinds upstairs and did some serious organizing downstairs (everything that was under the gigantic blue tarp from the last post had to go somewhere and Warren was game.)

Sara got both fans installed while Warren and I played the "hold the ladder steady and hand important things upward role."

Then we started the floor. Brazilian Cherry to be exact! I organized and cut to fit. Sara nailed them in. The process was seamless and....oh....25 hours later...late on Sunday afternoon...we were done, oh no wait, not done? Short by half a box? That's right 14 square feet! Of course the flooring store was not open on Sunday so the celebration and brazillian cherry floor dance was delayed by another day.

Yep, those are my shoes in the last 14 square feet of subfloor showing.

Today, I can officially say, the project has been completed! Here are photos from either corner of the same great room.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chickens and Major Guest House Progress

Major progress on the guest house over the weekend.

Actually this part happened a two weeks ago. Every thing got moved out and covered with gigantic tarps so that the dry-wallers could get it done....

...and they did. Dry wall with texture upstairs and smooth in the garage. Fast forward to this weekend. Here is Sara Saturday spraying the entire joint with primer.

Me prepping the windows and Sara spraying primer upstairs. Noticed the amount of paint floating in the air, hence the sexy masks.

Sara did the cutting and I did the rolling. We knocked it out on Sunday.

A finished product by Sunday night. Sara had Monday off so she installed the bathroom cork floor and the entry way tile.

After all that we still had time to have a little fun this weekend as well. Sherry and John had us over for a Sunday night celebration BBQ. Bingo celebrated by meeting their 28 chickens. Apparently meeting that many chickens is exhausting for a dog because she slept ALL day today. She couldn't even bother to get out from under this annoying pillow.