To live up to the Greelis in me (and really the Palkie, too) I have taken up a new hobby, home brewing. As Great Grandpa Greelis did during prohibition I am taking up the art of creating beer at home. My first batch, the Bubbling Blonde, as she has come to be known (really a recipe called the Arctic Blonde, which is also a good name), has been produced start to finish and is close to ready for chilling and drinking. Here is a quick trip through the process.
First you must create the wort by steeping the grain and then adding the hops. For my first time it took me 6 hours start to finish. It should take about 4 once I iron the kinks out.
Once the wort is ready you siphon it into the primary fermentor where it bubbles for a week and the alcohol is created.
The wort then gets "racked" into the secondary fermentor and it hangs out there for another week. Here the Bubbling Blonde is hanging with her red head counterpart.

Bottles must be de-labeled and sterilized.