OK, I'm sure everyone who has ever had a house with a yard has guilted themselves into doing the spring weed and feed. As you are pushing your green fertilizer spraying machine around you think, REALLY? Is it really making the grass greener and the weeds go away!? Are you with me? Well, the verdict is in... it works! The part I missed unfortunately, is to make sure you get full coverage and do overlaping passes. It is clear in the following pic that we now have a football field effect going with alternating stripes of green grass and then dandelions. Sara was rightly suspicious when I marveled at how little time this project took me to complete.
Now to the house projects:
Walls and subfloor:

Some dry walling with the girls. Bingo is so embarrassed for me to have my pic taken in that hair do. I told her to chill, it's dry wall.
Hanging doors and finishing walls...
Topless lawn maintenance...
Ha, made you look!
A mid May visit from Mary Anne...
With a trip to Bring Recycling on a quest for double spring pivot hinges (whatever those are) for the doors Sara had scored there the previous week.
And of course some wine tasting and lunch at King Estate!
I got my hair did.